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Una Reina Nacid El 3 de Febrero Women's Medium Black T-Shirt by Unknown

Una Reina Nacid El 3 de Febrero Women's Medium Black T-Shirt by Unknown

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This t-shirt is composed in Spanish, and the translation is "A Queen was born on February 3." At the bottom, it also proclaims, "Happy Birthday to Me!" It's a women's medium, on a black Port & Co. Ring Spun 100% cotton tee. Here's the big advantage to buying this T-shirt (even if your birthday isn't actually February 3): Think of all the free drinks you'll get when you wear this every February 3rd! With the money you save on drinks, you can buy more of these shirts (with different birthdates, of course) and pretty soon you'll have people buying you drinks all of the time! Diabolical, right? Of course, the flip side to that is you also may end up in the Betty Ford Clinic for rehab, but we won't focus on that! Cheers!

Anyway, across the chest, we have 18", and from top to bottom we came up with 26", and this new tee was made in Honduras. And we're also very thirsty for some reason.

Care Instructions: None noted -- 

Thank you for stopping by and checking out An Absolute Certain Tee inside Jeff's Curiosity Shoppe and we hope you have enjoyed your visit. If there is anything we can do further to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


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